VS Factory Replica Panerai Submersible PAM 1232 Blue Carbon Watch

It is now December, the final month of 2022, and we are also approaching our traditional Spring Festival. Many watch factories will be closing their stores and returning home to celebrate the holiday. If you want a super clone watch before the holiday, make your decision and place your order quickly. There are numerous super clones available in the market, and many websites sell them online. Finding a trustworthy dealer can be challenging because some are scammers. If you are unsure, feel free to email me. Many people still ask me for the websites and contact details of these watch factories. This industry is risky, and I believe none of them are willing to share contact information publicly. Moreover, they do not have business websites. Some watch factories may start their holiday break in mid-December for the Chinese New Year.

In the past two weeks, VS factory has taken the spotlight in the market. They have released numerous new Panerai replica watches, which is exciting news as we haven’t seen new Panerai replicas for a while. Despite the raid causing significant losses, VS has made a comeback. The same type of raid led to Noob and JF factories closing permanently, perhaps because they made enough money and didn’t want to risk continuing. VS, being a large and historic factory, has chosen to continue serving us, which we greatly appreciate.

The PAM 1232 is one of the new Panerai replicas recently released by VS. It’s unclear why VS decided to release so many Panerai replicas at the end of 2022, but it could mean Panerai will be a top seller in 2023. The new PAM 1232 is part of Panerai’s Submersible collection and is made with CARBOTECH material. While some websites list it as SB, it is actually the same factory. Future Panerai replicas from VS might be branded under the new name SB. The replica PAM 1232 has a large 44mm diameter and a 15mm thick case, which is acceptable for a diving watch. The case is lightweight due to its forged carbon material, and the unique carbon texture on the case, bezel, crown bridge, and lugs is stunning, closely resembling the CARBOTECH on the genuine PAM 1232.

I like the torpedo engraving on the case back, known as Siluro a Lenta Corsa in Italian. This feature is rare in modern Panerai watches, as most now use a display case back. The engraving on this replica watch isn’t as delicate as the genuine one, and there’s a noticeable mistake: the word “CARBOTEOH” instead of “CARBOTECH.” This error might deter buyers, as it’s a significant mistake. Many factories have made similar “letter” mistakes when releasing new replicas.

The replica uses VS factory’s renowned super clone P.900 automatic movement, which is another major selling point. This movement has been extensively tested in many clone Panerai watches and is very reliable. It is considered the best clone P.900 movement available in the market, and few customers have reported movement issues requiring repair.

If you want to buy this Panerai Submersible replica watch, I recommend waiting until VS factory corrects the “CARBOTEOH” mistake.

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